
Gatheryourcourageandrideoutintothechaosofaworldundone.Fourheroesandastagecoachareallthatstandbetweendarknessandsalvation.,DarkestDungeonIIisaroguelikeroadtripofthedamned.Formaparty,equipyourstagecoach,andsetoffacrossthedecayinglandscapeonalastgaspquest ...,《暗黑地牢2》是一场有去无回的类Rogue公路旅行。组建一支队伍,武装你的驿站马车,然后策马横穿日益腐朽的大地,去追寻避免末世浩劫的最后一线希望...

Darkest Dungeon® II

Gather your courage and ride out into the chaos of a world undone. Four heroes and a stagecoach are all that stand between darkness and salvation.

Darkest Dungeon® II on Steam

Darkest Dungeon II is a roguelike road trip of the damned. Form a party, equip your stagecoach, and set off across the decaying landscape on a last gasp quest ...

Steam 上的Darkest Dungeon® II


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Darkest Dungeon II is a roguelike road trip of the damned. Form a party, equip your stagecoach, and set off across the decaying landscape on a last gasp ...